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5 Things Downsizing Seniors Need to Know (Especially Post-COVID-19)

Scaling back your belongings and preparing for a move is a big step. Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, downsizing can be a chore. From business closures to a troubled real estate market, there’s a lot to consider. Here are five things downsizing seniors need to know about. Financing is Still a Possibility Whether you’re still working or are on a fixed income, it’s still possible to get financing for your new place. SFGat...

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Stay Cooler in the Summer

You've likely heard that you should change which way your home's ceiling fans rotate when the season's change, but if you're wondering which direction is correct for summer or winter, here are the answers. Stay Cooler in the Summer By default, your ceiling fan will turn to the left (counterclockwise) and push air down. This is the direction ceiling fans should turn during summer months. Even though pushing cooler air down won’t actually coo...

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Protect Yourself From Wire Fraud

Sarah moved with her family from Dallas to a small town outside of Austin and started looking for a house immediately. As many of you know, it’s not easy finding a home in this area, but luckily after a few months, she found a great neighborhood and an under-construction home they loved. As the closing drew near, she went through the seemingly endless list of items with the construction manager and mortgage company and all the numerous entities...

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Why San Antonio is One of the Best Cities to Retire

San Antonio is a city with a large senior community — 21.9 percent of the city's population consists of individuals aged 55 and older — and it's easy to see why. San Antonio has year-round warm weather, plenty of healthcare options and an abundance of local attractions for seniors to enjoy. Give your budget a break. Overall, Texas is a state that's ...

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